Friday, January 22, 2010


People are constantly changing. I was talking to my mom on the phone last night, and she told me that when her and my dad got married (LONG time ago) that they promised each other that neither of them would ever change.

Change is INEVITABLE. Change is life. It happens. Always. No matter how much you try to fight it.

Over this last year David and I have both changed a lot! We decided that Christianity isn't our thing. And we both not only found ourselves again, but realized that we are truly meant for each other. We change together. It is really cool to know that you are with the one person who was made for you, and that you can both change and love each other. Our changed have caused us to grow closer together.

Anyways... I was just thinking about it and wanted to share ;)

~*~The Holidays~*~

As I sit here in my warm and cozy house, my daughter is sitting on the living room floor playing with her "Littlelest Petshop" pets, and my husband is at his mom's house. I just finished reading a good friend's blog about her holidays, and realized that I have not updated my own personal blog in I don't know how long! So here goes...

This year was our first year celebrating the holidays with David's parents. It was our second holiday season as a married couple, and the year before was spent at my mom's house.

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun :) We went to my in-laws (Curt & Tammy's) the day before. Tammy and I almost instantly busied ourselves in the kitchen baking pies, making desserts, and making dips and platters and everything we could the night before. We got to bed late, around 3:00am, and then were up as early as possible preparing dinner. Tammy did the turkey and some other stuff, and I made the side dishes. Willow was very entertained in the living room with Grampy, eating chips and dip and watching football :D

Christmas was even a busier time! Christmas started the first week of December for us, lol! I can't even tell you how many times I went to the mall in December! It was so much fun though! First I went shopping with Tammy and her niece Tabatha. Then, it was Tammy, Willow, and I. Willow met Santa, and after getting over the shock of seeing him in person, she warmed up to him and had a nice little chat :) Of course we got pictures! I will upload them to my facebook profile as soon as possible.

Again, we went to my in-laws the day before the holiday, and prepped as much as possible. Christmas dinner was a lot easier and less-stressful than Thanksgiving, because we decided to not do a traditional meal, and we didn't make many dishes either. Just ham, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and something else. We just relaxed and hung out a bit :)

I can't even list all the the presents Willow received in Christmas, but they included clothes; a Dora the Explorer doll w/ a pony named "Cookie"; a tea set; the games "Chutes and Ladders" and "Cooties"; and a doll furniture set that has a playpen/crib, bouncy seat, and an umbrella stroller, just to name a few.

New Years wasn't that exciting. We went back to my in-laws! lol! Willow made it until midnight just fine, but Grampy didn't ;) He fell asleep around 10pm. I had a bad cold, and so my MIL (mom in law) made me two got tate's and I went to bed.

My birthday is almost here! I will be turning 21 on January 30th, so excited! I am celebrating with a few close friends. Then February 1st is David's and my 2 year anniversary! Crazy to think everything we've been through together in the last two years, and even more crazy to think about how all of it fits into 2 years :S Following our anniversary is Willow's 4th birthday on February 9th. And then just two days later I will be catching a train up to Placerville! I will be leaving February 11th, and I will be coming home on the 16th. According to my mom, it is going to be a jam-packed weekend, lol!

Anyways, that's what's new with us :)


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Folding Clothes

Today I was sitting on the couch in the living room, IM-ing with my sister-in-law and folding Willow's clean clothes. Willow comes out of the bedroom, and when seeing she can't climb up on the couch to cuddle with me (because it is all taken up with little girls clothes), she asks if she can help fold!

"Of course!" says me.

So, she takes each item at a time, and folds it into a bunch. Then she hands it to me and asks, "Can you help me please?" And I re-fold it for her, hand it back, and she places it on the allotted pile.

After doing this a few times, she started to get all frustrated that she couldn't fold them like mommy. So I looked down at her and said, "Don't worry about how good you fold them sweetie, just have fun!" And she did! She helped me fold almost all of them before she had to go down for quiet time.

She is growing into such a wonderful little girl!

In other Willow news...

Her Grammy Tammy bought her a Disney Princess Canopy swimming pool, and 3 purple/pinkish crates that I stacked into book shelves. So, good-bye make-shift book shelves made from boxes! Also, we haven't set up her pool yet because a~the southern Cali sun will cause it to pop, and so will the concrete that surrounds our house. So David and I are trying to come up with how we're going to do this. In the meantime, Willow's incorporated the pool into her toys. It is still in it's box, and so she serves tea on it, cooks dinner on it, and all kinds of stuff! lol... I am seriously contemplating getting her a big empty box as a Christmas present!

Also, David's birthday is on September 28th :) We're having a little shindig on Saturday the 26th. His friend Matt's flying down for it from Rocklin. We just plan to barbecue and hang out, eat cake, and all that good stuff. So, if you are close to us, mark the date to send a card or something!

Until next time... Peace and love be with you all.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Life in San Diego

Well, as many know David, Willow, and I all moved down to San Diego January 16, 2009. A month later we found our own apartment after living with in-laws in between. Now we have been in our own little one-bedroom apartment in an area called "City Heights" for six months now :)

Before we moved down here I was very conservative in my Christian walk (not a bad thing), I whole-heartedly planned to Homeschool my daughter, and I was majorly missing going to church. Within the last month, I have become a bit more free with my beliefs, not so conservative anymore. I am still following God and living my life as a servant to our most High King, Jesus. However, I am in a state of seeking Him outside of the Bible. I know the Bible is completely true, and is the infallible word of God, but I also believe that there is truth about God to be found in the world as well, through living life.

David and I decided last week to put Willow in Pre-school. She needs the social interaction, to learn more than she already knows (which thankfully is a lot!), and to have organized time. At home she just plays all day, with the occasional movie thrown in. Her playing is broken up by three square meals, and an hour of quiet time in the afternoon. Also, David and I can use 4 hours a day of quiet time at home, so he can have un-interrupted work time, and so I can have some Willow free time to get the house in order and keep it clean.

Also, we are not going to church right now. We (Willow and I) have been once since January. We are not looking for a church right now either. It is not conducive to our schedules.

Last weekend, David and I got some free time without Willow! It was so nice! Willow went to the Grandparents house for Friday evening, while David and I went to Horton Plaza and did dinner and a movie. We got home around 11:00pm and received a phone call from my distressed mother-in-law. Willow was supposed to spend the night with them, but it wasn't working out (shocker! lol). So Willow came home. However, Sunday afternoon the Grandparents did come and pick her up again. They took her out to lunch and to Balboa Park.

We hope to move back up to Placerville within 6 months time :) I really hope to be up there for my birthday! If David continues making the money he is right now online, then Placerville is very much possible!

I miss all my friends up there, and I send you all of my love! I miss my womens Bible study friends too, and please pray for us for whatever God puts on your heart to pray for! You all are in my prayers :)

"For I long to see you... that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me." -Romans 1:11-12

Until next time,